Tommy Ferrell met Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of 16 at a summer youth retreat in the mountains of North Carolina. He was called by God to the gospel ministry as a young sailor onboard the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga at the age of 19. Game Changer : Tommy Ferrell
Since that time, he has been active in the ministry, serving a number churches in various roles, including the senior pastor position at Briarlake Baptist Church (2,300 members) in Decatur, Georgia from 2004-2021. Game Changer Leaders : Tommy Ferrell
After a difficult season of life, including the unexpected dissolution of a thirty-year marriage for irreconcilable differences, he has experienced healing and is moving forward to pursue God’s clear leading to start HELP CHURCH. HELP CHURCH is a new church start up that is Biblically Faithful and Culturally Relevant. The vibe will be welcoming to all people, especially those who are unchurched and de-churched. The traditional Baptist distinctives of Biblical Authority, Local Church Autonomy, and Believer’s Baptism by immersion will be cherished and practiced. Denominational identity, church traditions, and various affiliations will not be primary considerations. Our prayer and purpose statement combined is: “Help us LORD and Help Us to Help Others!”
Tommy has three young adult sons, two labrador retrievers, loves the outdoors, reading good history, and holds three accredited degrees, including the Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.